Duties of the Engineer

The duties of the County Engineer are varied. According to the Ohio Revised Code, which governs the operation of local and county government, the County Engineer is responsible for the maintenance and construction of bridges and roadways in the county. This includes snow removal and ice control, pothole repair, roadside ditches, mowing, weed control and paving. The Hancock County Engineer operates with 25 full-time employees. The Engineer is an elected official and works with many county, city, and state agencies on a regular basis.

Facts & Data

Population: 74,920 (2020)
Land Area: 532 Square Miles
County Road Mileage: 362 Miles
Township Road Mileage: 624 Miles
State Highway Mileage: 213 Miles

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs List

Douglas E. Cade, PE, PS - County Engineer

Engineer's Staff

Kyle Parker, PE, SI - Deputy Engineer - Subdivision & Drainage
Eric Barnes, PE, SI - Deputy Engineer - Bridge & Construction
Mike Clark - Road Superintendent
Ben Lindhorst - Permits, Signs and Roadway
Hannah Brown - Administrative Assistant